Our dental services include anesthetized teeth cleaning, scaling, polishing, minor oral surgery, dental radiography and routine and complex tooth extractions. Regular Professional Cleaning
A healthy mouth and clean teeth can lead to a longer, healthier life for your pet. Taking care of your pets' teeth at home helps avoid serious dental disease, but cats and dogs need periodic professional cleaning just like you do. At (practice name) we take care to provide a safe, thorough, and professional cleaning similar to the one you get at your dentist’s office.
Dental Disease Periodontal disease is a progressive infection of the gums surrounding the teeth. If left untreated it can lead to halitosis, oral infections, and bacterial infections that can enter the bloodstream and cause damage to many major organs. As part of your annual visit, (veterinarian's name?) will conduct an oral examination to ensure that your pet's teeth are healthy and disease-free. If a cleaning is needed, while your pet is under anesthesia, we will x-ray and evaluate each individual tooth to determine if any other dental work is needed. Oral ATP (Assessment, Treatment, Planning)
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